I've spent the better part of two days scanning and organizing old photos. One of the projects on my "Everything To Do" list is to digitize my parents photo albums. I am using the Flickr site and have created a group which is accessible to my siblings, their spouses, and my mother. What I like about putting the pictures out there on the web is that it enables each of us to have access to the pictures we want. I am also hoping that they will all add their own comments to the pictures (hint hint). I am particularly hoping that my mother will identify some of the older photos as some of them are of people and places I am unfamiliar with.
I found this picture of my grandfather particularly compelling. For me, it tells the story of an era . . . and a family. When I look at this picture I can smell the dust, the rubber, the fuel, the "barn smell." I can hear the insects, the tractor motor, the swish of a cows' tail. I can feel the warm sun on my skin and the strength of my grandfather's arms.
Anyone recognize the barn?
I need you to send me this picture. I can't figure out how to get it off flickr without it being the size of a postage stamp. I want to have it printed out and put in a frame. Interesting that we were pulled to the same picture. :)