One of the projects on my "Everything To Do" list (that's the list I made of all the projects, big and small, that I intend to do now that I am not working outside the home) is to scan, restore and preserve the photos in my parents albums. Today's photo is one that was taken of the barn when it was new - only then it wasn't the Ray Farm - it was the Cooper Farm. The photo was given to my mother by my older sister's father-in-law whose mother was a Cooper. That's small town for you. Everyone is connected. So, Talan's Great Great Grandmother was a Cooper and she was raised on the same farm where his Great Grandfather was born and raised - only they weren't related until Talan's Grandfather married his Grandmother . . . . or something like that. Anyway, it's a cool picture of the barn and if you look to the right you can see the hill that goes down to my backyard.
Very nice